Crevassse Rescue for skiers & boarders
when & where
November 14, 2020, 8am @ Centennial Park in Revelstoke
Wrapping up the session by 5pm
This will be a full day dry land session to learn the basics of crevasse rescue. Starting out on the ground we will talk about when and where to rope up, as well as why to use a rope. We will then introduce the rope system while still on flat ground. In the afternoon we will use a small cliff to simulate a real crevasse.
course outline
Basic glacier anatomy
Glacier travel considerations; When to use a rope and when not to use a rope
Equipment selection
Roping up
Un-roped crevasse fall scenario
Roped crevasse fall scenario
Drop loop 2:1
Drop loop plus mechanical advantage 6:1
You will need the following:
Clothing to be comfortable rain or shine!
Footwear; sturdy and conditions dependant
Food and water (please bring enough lunch and snacks for the full day)
4 locking carabiners, 2 of which should be a pear type
4 non locking carabiners
1 x 240 cm sewn sling
2 x 5m of 6-7mm cordelette
1 x 1.5m 6-7mm cordelette
Belay device
Other progress capture devices and pulleys and gadgets. I can cater to your personal kit.
Contact me if you do not have some of this gear and I can help provide it.
paperwork & regestration
please fill out Declaration 24h before course